Thaddäus Salcher climbs the peaks of the spirit. The forms of his sculptures and his almost monochromatic paintings create true spiritual landscapes. They contain clear references to the great masters of the spirit and of light: Robert Rothko or James Turrel, as well as the European tradition of informal art, less oriented toward the American exegesis of covering the “skin” of events and more inclined to penetrate the quick of things. The figurative character that always emerges against the background of his paintings avoids all purely two-dimensional reasoning and requires a more intimate approach. Rather than offering himself up as an illusionist or sculptor of material, Thaddäus Salcher offers his services of accompaniment (or facilitation)?. However imposing his paintings and sculptures may be, they do not construct culture (spirit, value), but polish it ready for contact with the cosmos.
Solo Exhibitions
2 0 1 7
Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne barbara Ruetz, Wand und Papierarbeiten, mit Saskia Mumie, München
2 0 1 6
As it is, curated by Manfred Draxl und Igor Comploi, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
Photo Academy Val Gardena
Art Karlsruhe, Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne , Barbara Ruetz, München
2 0 1 5
Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
2 0 1 3
Stadtgalerie Bressanone, Italy
2 0 1 0
L Chiet, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
Stadtmuseum Klausen, Italy
2 0 0 9
Kunst im Krankenhaus, Bressanone, Italy
2 0 0 7
Kunstforum Unterland, Egna, Italy
1 9 9 8
Volksbank Meran, Italy
1 9 9 7
Üblacker Häusl, Stadtmuseum Munich, Germany
Atelier im Keller, Munich, Germany
1 9 9 6
Istitut Ladin, S. Martin de Tor, Italy
1 9 9 3
Circolo Artistico, Ortisei, Italy
Group Exhibitions
2 0 1 7
Oh Tannenbaum.. Südtiroler Künstlerbund, (Italy)
2 0 1 6
Garten / Giardini 70 Jahre/Anni Südtiroler Künstlerbund“, a cura di/curated by Lisa Trockner, Hofburg , Brixen (Italy)
2 0 1 3
Entwicklung, Kunst am Bau, Hotelfachschule Bruneck, Italy
2 0 1 1
Menschlichkeit, Neubau Raiffeisenkasse Kastelruth, Italy
Landesberufsschule für Gast-und Nahrungsmittelgewerbe E.Hellenstainer, Bressanone, Italy
Kunstprojekt, Kindergarten Klausen, Italy
2 0 0 8
Spiegelbild, Rosengartenplatz, Lana, Italy
2 0 0 7
Kommunikation, Neumarkt, Italy
2 0 0 3
Kapelle, Altersheim Ortisei, Italy
2 0 0 1
Ohne Titel, Serpentin, Museum Ladin, S. Martin de Tor, Italy
2 0 0 0
Ohne Titel, Schlernblut, 2563 m, Naturpark Schlern, Italy
Leben, Lendpromenade, Lana, Italy
1 9 9 9
Kapelle, Kolpinghaus Meran, Italy
Innen, Prägraten, Osttirol, Austria Jesus, Friedensweg, Kaltern, Italy