
A project by Sara Enrico

Galleria Doris Ghetta in Milano

Vernissage, Tuesday 20th November 2018
November 21, 2018 - January 10, 2019

On show will be sculptures from Enrico’s untitled series, works characterised by elementary formal language and realised with basic painting materials: namely canvases and oil colours, here used as a fixative. In them the body and architecture become the subject of forms through which the artist explores the postural and biomorphic dimension in space. On show with the sculptures will be drawings from the series entitled Blanket Game (ice-breaking improvisations), a reference to a collective game whose function is, precisely, to break the ice as a means of establishing new group relations. Sara Enrico has produced these digital drawings and printed them on paper in the form of a storyboard, a sequence in which actions and movements are performed and imagined in spaces that draw life from the interaction between semblances of materials, fabrics, architectural elements and human figures.
What Sara observes, above all in sculpture, is the choreographic aspect that determines relations between plasticity and spatiality. The interests she cultivates are transversal and revolve around experimentation with materials, inspiration from the language of fabrics and tailoring, and the weave concept as a structure that triggers a relationship between the inside and the outside of an object. Sara Enrico focuses her work on the themes of surface and haptic dimension, and the exercise of sight translated plastically by a combination of processes and materials.