Teodora Axente
Aron Demetz
Nicola Samorì
Ciprian Mureşan

The Day Before Yesterday


The title of the collective exhibition evokes a past that is more than recent: "the day before yesterday" is a colloquial expression often used to recount a memory that, despite having settled for some time, still leaves us incredulous at the speed with which time has turned it into the past. 

The works exhibited on the ground floor of Galleria Doris Ghetta depict the possibilities of an imaginary, individual or collective, born from the stories of the past and shaping the narratives of the present. Moving in the realm of memory, ancient legends blend with contemporary genealogies, blurring the line between what actually happened and what was imagined, accessing a dimension where memory and dream belong to the same realm. 

In the works of Teodora Axente, Aron Demetz, Ciprian Mureşan, and Nicola Samorì, worlds populated by icons, mysterious creatures, hidden symbolism, and references to images from the past and the history of art intertwine in an inextricable vortex of interconnected references. 

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