Arnold Holzknecht


In "Floramentale," Holzknecht explores the technique of assembling natural materials, many of which are gathered from the vicinity of his home, to create four sculptures that are truly unique. The impressive floral works on display are the result of a meticulous and singular creative process, where the artist has skillfully combined wood, stone, steel, and organic elements. These pieces prompt reflection on the hybrid composition that characterizes all forms of life, whether living or inanimate.  

 As scientist and author Stefano Mancuso underscores in his essay "Plant Revolution," plants not only provide oxygen, sustenance, and contribute to making the planet habitable, but also demonstrate remarkable adaptability and survival skills. According to Mancuso, studying plants can offer valuable insights into addressing the challenges our planet faces, such as overpopulation and environmental impact. Unlike animals, which solve problems by moving, plants must find effective solutions without the ability to relocate.  

 Each artwork showcased in "Floramentale" is the result of thorough research and careful collection of materials by the artist. Characterized by an almost surreal abstraction, Holzknecht's works go beyond mere representations of floral forms, evoking a fusion of natural elements that harmonize with mental and conceptual components. Every element present in the sculptural compositions contributes to the creation of a unique mental flora, where narrative, emotional, and material connections develop.  

 Through this exhibition, Holzknecht highlights the power of creative assemblage and artistic synthesis, prompting reflection on the intrinsic interconnections that define our world. "Floramentale" not only encourages viewers to explore new forms of artistic expression but also challenges them to contemplate the beauty and complexity of nature and the human mind from fresh and stimulating perspectives.