In "The Soft Coating Suspended Between Vertical and Horizontal", artist Teodora Axente (1984, Sibiu) delves deeply into the dual nature of the individual and their remarkable capacity for transformation through introspection. Through her new paintings, the artist highlights the multidimensional nature of the human being and their ongoing evolution. 

The theme of the duality between man and animal is central to Axente's work, representing the two aspects of the individual: on one hand, instinctuality and materiality, evident in the tangible and concrete aspects of the works; on the other, the dimension that speaks to the superiority of man, characterized by a divine spark oriented towards growth and light. A fundamental element in the representation of this duality is the phenomenon of the butterfly's metamorphosis, which undergoes various stages, from larva to cocoon until its final transformation. This process of change represents the evolutionary journey of each individual, an inner journey of growth and transformation. 

Axente draws inspiration from gospel or biblical texts, Orthodox-Byzantine iconography, and the vestments of priests or bishops to bring her works to life. Through the use of clothing and objects in her works, the artist highlights the process of transformation and metamorphosis of the individual, emphasizing their extraordinary and unique nature. Her interpretation of clothing is intuitive, allowing imagination to create new forms and interpretations of attire and its role. The cloak is not just a covering of the human body; it represents the body itself, vulnerable and subject to this material world. 

The artist uses imagination and surrealism as tools to explore the separate and unique lives of each human being, reflecting on the inner experiences that make individuals unique. 

The exhibition thus invites reflection on one's own duality and the process of inner transformation that characterizes the human experience, offering a deep and stimulating insight into its complexity.