Teodora Axente (born 1984, Sibiu) lives and works in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where she received an MFA and Ph.D. at the University of Art And Design. Using a distinct dark palette, she addresses the themes of passing, transience, and refusal by imbuing the staged appearance of her figures with an elusive sense of beauty. Teodora Axente’s paintings simultaneously repel and try to restore the viewer to the present time by rendering common fabrics and textures with a remarkably refined pictorial technique.

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Teodora Axente, installation view, The Presence of Absence, 2017, Galleria Doris Ghetta

Selected works

Installation Views

Exhibitions at Galleria Doris Ghetta




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Madness, Galerie im Park Bremen – Museum for Contemporary Art and Culture of the Historical Psychiatric Clinic, Bremen, Germany 
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High Five! Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
Love is a Dog from hell, Frissiras Museum, Athens, Greece
Contemplating the spiritual in contemporary art, Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery, London, United Kingdom
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The Figure in Contemporary Art, Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery, London, United Kingdom
3d Frissiras Award for European Painting, Frissiras Museum, Athens, Greece
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The Divided Women, Nunc contemporary, Antwerp, Belgium
4 points, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
Lifting the Veil, Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery, London, United Kingdom
The quiet Room, Lateral ArtSpace, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Extension.ro, Triumph Gallery Moskow, Russia
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T.A.N.G.O., Museum of Art, Cluj Napoca, Romania
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Tales of the valley, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
Defaced, BMoCo, Boulders, Colorado, USA
I‘m an artist, Art Center Hugo Voeten, Herentals, Belgium
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Essl Art Award Cee–Group Exhibition of the Winners, Essl Museum Klosterneuburg, Austria
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Auswahl Junger Rumänischer Künstler, Gallery Prisma, Bolzano, Italy. Expo Transilvania, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


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Symmetries of oneiric, Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery, London; United Kingdom
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The Silk Eye, Galerie Dukan, Paris, France
The Space From the Letter, Museum of Art - Cluj Napoca, Romania
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The Presence of Absence, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
L‘echo des murmures, Regards sur la scène contemporaine roumaine, with Bogdan Vladuta, Galerie Valerie Delaunay, Paris, France
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The Noise of Silence, Art Center Hugo Voeten, Herentals, Belgium
Cold Lining, Ana Cristea Gallery, New York, USA
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Dipping into Matter, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
Nauz, Performance Transart, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
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Lighting the Dark, Galleria Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
Taxidermy Lession, curated by Adina Zorzini, Zorzini Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
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Made of Matter, Ana Cristea Gallery, New York, USA
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Paraman, Gallery Casa Matei, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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Portret, Gallery Sibiel, Sibiu, Romania


Teodora Axente (nata a Sibiu nel 1984) vive e lavora a Cluj-Napoca, in Romania, dove ha ottenuto un MFA e un PhD all’Università di Arti e Design. Attraverso la sua palette scura affronta il tema del passaggio, la transitorietà e il rifiuto, infondendo all'aspetto inscenato delle sue figure un inafferrabile senso di bellezza. I dipinti di Teodora Axente respingono e cercano simultaneamente di restituire allo spettatore il tempo presente rappresentando tessuti e texture comuni con una tecnica pittorica di notevole raffinatezza.


Teodora Axente (geboren 1984 in Sibiu, Rumänien) lebt und arbeitet in Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien, wo sie an der University of Art And Design einen MFA und PhD erhielt. Mit einer ausgeprägten dunklen Palette thematisiert sie Themen der Vergänglichkeit und Ablehnung. Das erzählerische Element nimmt in ihrem Werk eine zentrale Stellung ein. Ihre Subjekte, die die Künstlerin in von ihr eigens konzipierte Szenen hineinsetzt, werden aus Leidenschaft, aus Selbstgefälligkeit, aus kompositorischen Anforderungen und moralischen Freiheiten zu Mannequins.

Catalogues Teodora Axente
